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Dad is good

Dad is strong

He puts my laundry away where it belongs.

Dad is fun

Dad is silly

Thank you kindly for not naming me Willy. (not that there’s anything wrong with that name)

Dad is patient

Dad is kind

Except when my table manners are unrefined.

I love when you read to me

I love when we laugh

I owe you 5 minutes today to enjoy a draught.

You’re always so giving

And not often cranky

Now can you please go and get me my blankie?


Daddy’s Day BBQ

Age – 8 months +

In honour of all those wonderful dad’s out there, we’re not going to toil away and make batches of baby food to freeze today.

Instead, baby can partake in the BBQ feast!

Let’s say the menu is BBQ’d chicken, baked potato, corn on the cob and steamed carrots.

Mix a bit of everything together with some butter and some of the cooking water used to steam the carrots, puree and baby’s dinner is served.

It really is as simple as that.

The corn and the carrots can be made indoors and then the rest is thrown on the BBQ.

In a food processor, blender or large bowl to use a hand held blender to puree, add in some of the white meat without any skin from the cooked chicken, a scoop of some of the baked potato, 2 sides of corn that were shaved off the cooked corn on the cob, a few cooked carrots and a ½ tsp. of butter.

Add 3 tbsps. of the cooking water used to steam the carrots and puree to desired consistency.

If you want a thinner consistency you can add a bit more of the cooking water.


BBQ for the whole family.

If there are left overs of the puree you can keep it in the fridge for up to 48 hours so baby can have it for supper or lunch tomorrow too.

I want to wish all the amazing father’s and father figures (including my own and my husband) out there a very Happy Father’s Day!

Without you there would be a lot of mothers losing sanity, and a lot of kids wondering what beer is.