Keep moving forward. I think we all feel this is the most important thing to do, but why? Is it because we believe there is something magical waiting for us at the end of our moving forward, or do we simply feel like anything is better than standing still?
Back-on-Track Turkey Soup
To Baby-Led Wean or Spoon Feed...That is the Question
My baby food cook book Spoonfed – Real Food for Real Babies incorporates lots of ideas for baby food purees so I get asked a lot about where I stand on the method of baby-led weaning. Baby-led weaning is essentially the practice of offering baby whole solid foods straight from the family table and chopping or mashing into pieces appropriately sized for baby’s stage of eating and letting them go to town and feed themselves rather than spoon feeding them.
Rapid Ratatouille
Soups and Sweaters
Whoa! Are the holidays really over…that fast? All that work, cooking, cleaning, buying, tree or other significant symbol of celebration assembly efforts, decorating inside and outside, holiday parties, holiday lunches, family get togethers, eggnog and peppermint flavoured everything…is all gone? YES!! IT’S ALL GONE…isn’t it bliss?!?
Rescued Peaches
Plan B,C,D and E
The Wild Wild West
Welcome to the year 2016 friends! If you’re reading this I take it you’ve made it through the holidays and Santa’s fulfillment of your children’s dreams. Or maybe you weren’t privy to the secret repartee Billy had with mall Santa so your good intentions fell a little short of the perfect Christmas morning?
3pm. on Sunday
Associate Domestic Engineer
Superfood Ingredient Transformers
Question Period
It's All About Food
To Throw or Not to Throw
Starlight Blogger Award
Well little old me, the one taking baby ant steps towards my goal, has just been nominated for the Starlight Blogger Award!! A big thanks to Dawn and Rachel from Meals Our Kids Love for the nomination! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your fantastic website that takes the guess work out of what the heck to make the family to eat today…and every day for that matter!
Minion Sponges
It usually starts with Baby Einstein, Sesame Street or some other sweet little moving picture form of entertainment for our babies and toddlers. Although the staring entertainers may leave us feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed at their antics and brain worm sing songs, the kids love them so we surrender.