
To Baby-Led Wean or Spoon Feed...That is the Question

To Baby-Led Wean or Spoon Feed...That is the Question

My baby food cook book Spoonfed – Real Food for Real Babies incorporates lots of ideas for baby food purees so I get asked a lot about where I stand on the method of baby-led weaning.  Baby-led weaning is essentially the practice of offering baby whole solid foods straight from the family table and chopping or mashing into pieces appropriately sized for baby’s stage of eating and letting them go to town and feed themselves rather than spoon feeding them.

That's Mom's Job

That's Mom's Job

Do you often hear your kids say, “mom will do it” or “that’s mom’s job” when it comes to the domestic engineering of your home? Do you wonder why the heck they automatically think that every floor needing mopping, clothes needing washing, dinner needing cooking and toilet needing scrubbing is mom’s job?